Think 2019 was the first time when all IBM businesses came together under one roof. Together with industry leaders and experts, researchers and developers, the aim of the conference was to create a dialogue at the intersection of all these groups.
With so many different businesses and interests represented at the conference, it was important to emphasise how seamlessly IBM technologies can complement each other, and integrate with their clients.
Focusing on highly-satisfying motion sequences and resolutions, the Solutions campus visuals also showcased both natural materials and smart surfaces to demonstrate the range of capabilities in IBM.
As part of the content produced for THINK 2019, IBM created a number of case studies to showcase how their technologies are enabling business growth.
Perfecting Processes explores how IBM is helping businesses rationalise, simplify and optimise their processes to provide hard working solutions to managing large scale tasks.
In Collaboration With
IBM Brand Experience and Design
Creative Director
Marcus Wendt
Creative Lead
Paul Brenner
Alice Shaughnessy
Design & Animation
Marian Pramberger
Sound Design